Date | Biology | Chemistry | Physics |
23/2/25 | Cell Biology Prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells Animal & plant cell structures Cell specialisation & differentiation Microscopy & magnification) Cell division: mitosis & the cell cycle Stem cells & their uses | Week 1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table (Part 1) Atoms, elements, compounds & mixtures History of the atom (Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr) Structure of the atom: subatomic particles, isotopes Electronic structure of atoms | Energy stores & systems Energy transfers & conservation Kinetic & potential energy calculations Specific heat capacity (Required Practical) Power & efficiency Renewable & non-renewable energy resources |
2/3/25 | Transport in cells: diffusion, osmosis, active transport Levels of organisation in the body The digestive system & enzymes Required practical: food tests | Week 2: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table (Part 2) The periodic table: history & structure Group 1 (alkali metals): properties & reactions Group 7 (halogens): properties & trends Group 0 (noble gases): properties & uses | Current, voltage & resistance Circuit symbols & circuit diagrams Ohm’s Law (Required Practical) Series & parallel circuits (Required Practical) Electrical power & energy transfer Domestic electricity: mains supply, plugs, fuses, and safety features |
9/3/25 | The heart, blood & circulation The lungs & gas exchange Cardiovascular diseases & treatments | Week 3: Bonding, Structure & Properties (Part 1) Ionic bonding & properties of ionic compounds Covalent bonding & simple covalent molecules Metallic bonding & properties of metals | States of matter & changes of state Density calculations (Required Practical) Internal energy & heating/cooling curves Specific latent heat calculations Gas pressure, temperature & volume relationships |
16/3/25 | Organisation (Part 3) Plant tissues & organs Transport in plants: xylem, phloem, transpiration Required practical: investigating transpiration | Week 4: Bonding, Structure & Properties (Part 2) Giant covalent structures (diamond, graphite, graphene, fullerenes) States of matter & changing states Polymers & nanoparticles | Development of the atomic model Structure of the atom & isotopes Radioactive decay & half-life calculations |
23/3/25 | Infection & Response (Part 1) Pathogens & types of disease Viral, bacterial, fungal & protist diseases Human defence systems Infection & Response (Part 2) Vaccination Antibiotics & painkillers Drug discovery & development | Week 5: Quantitative Chemistry Relative atomic & formula masses Conservation of mass & balanced equations Reacting mass calculations Moles & Avogadro’s constant Concentration of solutions Atom economy & percentage yield | Scalars & vectors Newton’s Laws of Motion Resultant forces & free-body diagrams |
6/4/25 | Photosynthesis: equation, limiting factors, uses of glucose Required practical: photosynthesis investigation Aerobic & anaerobic respiration The response to exercise Metabolism & the role of the liver | Week 6: Chemical Changes (Part 1) Acids & bases (pH scale, indicators) Reactions of acids with metals, metal oxides, and metal carbonates Required practical: making salts | Work done & energy transfer · Momentum & conservation of momentum · Stopping distances & braking force |
13/4/25 | | | |
20/4/25 | Homeostasis & Response (Part 1) The nervous system & reflexes Required practical: reaction time investigation The endocrine system & hormones | Week 8: Chemical Changes (Part 2) The reactivity series & displacement reactions Extraction of metals & redox reactions Electrolysis & applications (including aluminium extraction) Required practical: electrolysis | Properties of waves: frequency, wavelength & amplitude Wave speed calculations Required Practical: Measuring waves in a ripple tank & solid) |
27/4/25 | Blood glucose regulation Diabetes (Type 1 & Type 2) Water & ion regulation The kidney & excretion | Week 9: Energy Changes Exothermic & endothermic reactions Reaction profiles & activation energy Bond energy calculations Required practical: temperature changes in reactions Fuel cells | Reflection, refraction Electromagnetic spectrum & applications Dangers of radiation |
4/5/25 | Sexual vs. asexual reproduction Meiosis & genetic variation DNA structure & protein synthesis Genetic inheritance: Punnett squares, dominant/recessive alleles | Week 11: Rate of Reaction & Equilibrium Collision theory & factors affecting reaction rate Required practical: investigating reaction rates Measuring rate of reaction: gas collection & disappearing cross method Catalysts & their effects Reversible reactions & dynamic equilibrium Le Chatelier’s Principle | Permanent & induced magnets Magnetic fields & forces Electromagnets & solenoids |
11/5/25 | Genetic disorders (cystic fibrosis, polydactyly) Evolution & natural selection Selective breeding & genetic engineering | · Crude oil, hydrocarbons & fractional distillation · Properties & combustion of alkanes · Cracking & alkenes | The motor effect & electric motors Transformers & the National Grid (Separate Science Only) |
18/5/25 | Ecology (Part 1) Ecosystems & biotic/abiotic factors Adaptations & competition Food chains & trophic levels | Separate only Addition polymerisation Condensation polymerisation (for Separate Science) Natural polymers: DNA, proteins & carbohydrates | The life cycle of stars The Big Bang Theory Red shift & evidence for the expanding universe |
25/5/25 | The carbon & water cycles Biodiversity & its importance Human impacts on the environment Deforestation & global warming Waste management & pollution | Chemical Analysis Pure substances & formulations Chromatography & Rf values (Required Practical) Identifying ions: flame tests, precipitate tests, gas tests (Separate Science) Earth’s atmosphere Greenhouse gases & climate change Air pollution: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulates | · Quick recall questions & past paper practice · Revise required practical · Answering 6-mark exam questions |